Sunday, December 31, 2017


Drew and I visited a local Christmas tree farm and he LOVED running around the trees, and hiding from me! It smelled so good. Probably one of the best smells on Earth! The last two pictures crack me up! I told him to smile for the camera, so he did for a second before running towards me and giving me a huge kiss + hug. He's a little sweetie, that Drew.



Quilted Jacket (tan is sold out but different colors on sale!)

Check Shirt (sold out in this color, similar here)

Jeans (old, similar here)

Monday, September 19, 2016


...and here's our baby!
a few days old.
haha i realize i haven't blogged since sept of last year. oops! we have been very busy over here welcoming and loving our baby boy. at 5 1/2 months he is the happiest, most patient baby i've ever seen. he loves to giggle and smiles with his eyes. he learned how to roll from back to tummy and we're working on tummy to back now. we are raising him to be bilingual so i speak spanish to him all day everyday! he loves to read books and wrestle with his penguin. this boy looooves food! holy cow, he will eat anything we give him. he has brought so much happiness into our home, we thought we were happy before, but now woah. happy. he is content if anyone holds him as long as there's milk involved haha. we kiss those squishy cheeks all day and basically everything he does is the cutest! aah we're those parents... but we can't help it, we feel so blessed to have him forever. we got family pictures done a few weeks ago and dani captured sweet moments of our family.

a few more pics that i've snapped here and there...
this ball must come with us everywhere.
top five pc: dani christensen photography